A statistically representative sample of our Proponent membership—64 coaches— took part in early July in a 2024 Mid-Season Quick Survey. Top-line data points concerned revenue performance, with 61 percent saying their revenues through this June were up versus the same period last year. Just under 16 percent described income as having “remained the same” as in 2023’s first half.
About 23 percent of respondents said their revenue in the period was down versus 2023’s first half—just over half of those coaches had shortfalls of 10 percent or less. Most of the rest reported shortfalls of between 11 and 20 percent.
There was one question about job (or situation) satisfaction, and it too revealed generally positive conditions experienced by members. On the upside, 37 percent selected “Love where I’m at and have no plans to leave” while 44 percent said they were “Very happy, but always keeping an eye on other options.” The borderline response of “I’m doing fine, but I’m ready for a change” was checked by 9 percent and another 9 percent told us “I want out and I’m looking at all available options.”
The full results are below:
Question 1: What is your employment status?
Employee 53%
Independent Contractor 30%
Academy/Facility Owner 17%
Question 2: At what type of facility do you work?
Private Club 47%
Public Golf Course 25%
Golf Academy 8%
Indoor facility 8%
Resort 6%
Driving Range 6%
Question 3: How do your instruction revenues compare for first half of 2024 versus first half of 2023?
Increased by more than 20% 10%
Increased by 16-20% 11%
Increased by 11-15% 7%
Increased by 6-10% 14%
Increased by 1-5% 19%
Remained the same 16%
Decreased by 1-5% 6%
Decreased by 6-10% 8%
Decreased by 11-15% 2%
Decreased by 16-20% 5%
Decreased by more than 20% 2%
Question 4: What are your overall expectations for your teaching revenues in the second half of the year compared to last year’s second half?
Expect Increase 48%
Remain about the same 44%
Expect Decrease 8%
Question 5: Please rate the revenues from each of the following areas of your instruction program in 2024 compared to this point last year.
Significant Slight Remained Slight Significant Not
increase increase the same decrease decrease offered
Adult private lessons 11% 48% 23% 11% 5% 2%
Junior private lessons 10% 40% 33% 6% 2% 10%
Junior summer camps 5% 25% 25% 6% 6% 32%
Single/multi-day golf schools 11% 16% 22% 11% 5% 35%
Corporate outings 2% 10% 25% 3% 0% 59%
Question 6: How do your adult hourly lesson rates compare to last year?
My rates have increased more than 20% 5%
My rates have increased 11-20% 9%
My rates have increased 6-10% 12%
My rates have increased 1-5% 19%
My rates have stayed the same 50%
My rates have decreased 1-5% 2%
My rates have decreased more than 5% 3%
Question 7: Which answer best describes how you feel about your current position?
Love where I’m at and have no plans to leave 37%
Very happy, but always keeping an eye on other options 44%
I’m doing fine, but I’m ready for a change 9%
I want out and I’m looking at all available options 9%
Question 8: What is the status of your access to an indoor teaching facility?
I teach full-time at an indoor facility 5%
I currently have access to a teaching building on a practice range 53%
My facility is actively planning to build a teaching building 11%
My facility has discussed adding a teaching building, not currently pursuing 12%
My facility has no plans to construct a teaching building currently 19%