Certification Programs

Proponent Members’ Rating for this certification program:

  • Percentage of members who have completed this program:  23
  • Percentage of certified members who said this program “significantly added to their teaching skill set”:   70
  • Percentage of certified members who said this program “somewhat or strongly enhanced their reputation”:   81
  • Percentage of certified members who said this program was a good or outstanding value versus cost:   85


SAM Putting Instructor Certification Level 1 – Understanding how Tour Pros Putt (The 6 fundamental aspects of putting) 

The SAM Putting Instructor certification program is the most comprehensive scientific approach to putting ever developed. The 3 certification levels cover the complete range from the physics of putting, measurement and analysis of a putting stroke, PGA Tour data samples based on the 6 fundamental aspects of putting, as well as scientific basics of motor learning and motor control. Also included are the practical aspects of putting instruction and training concepts based on the hierarchy of movement. Certified SAM putting Instructors will receive a document and will be listed on the SAM web page.

The objectives of the SAM Level1 certification seminar are amongst others:

  • Professional use of SAM PuttLab
  • The 6 fundamentals of putting and the PGA Tour data sample
  • Evaluating the 6 fundamentals in your students data
  • Basic PuttLab Training
  • Basic Putter Fitting

The certification Level1 seminar introduces into the concept of the 6 fundamental aspects of putting. The attendees will receive in depth “hands on” training in the use of SAM PuttLab for measuring and analysing putting, including interpretation of the results reports and the use of putting performance profiles to tailor subsequent training sessions. The seminar will also present a step by step putter fitting protocol. Additionally the latest software enhancements are demonstrated.

If you want to learn all about SAM putting analysis and putter fitting, then sign up to become a certified SAM putting instructor Level1.

Who should participate? Instructors, Coaches and Club Fitters.

SAM Putting Instructor Certification Level 2 – Professional Putt Training with SAM PuttLab

The SAM Putting Instructor certification program is the most comprehensive scientific approach to putting ever developed. The 3 certification levels cover the complete range from the physics of putting, measurement and analysis of a putting stroke, PGA Tour data samples based on the 6 fundamental aspects of putting, as well as scientific basics of motor learning and motor control. Also included are the practical aspects of putting instruction and training concepts based on the hierarchy of movement. Certified SAM putting Instructors will receive a document and will be listed on the SAM web page.

The objectives of the SAM Level2 certification seminar are amongst others:

  • The framework for successful putting
  • The SAM training concept – hierarchy of movement
  • Guidelines to conduct professional putting lessons
  • Common faults and fixes
  • Green Reading

The certification Level2 seminar educates you in the use of SAM PuttLab to conduct professional putting lessons.  A framework for identifying the functional aspects of a putting stroke is presented. The SAM training concept introduces the hierarchy of movement to identify the relevant aspects to work on with your student and common faults and fixes for the 6 fundamental aspects are discussed. Related topics are the communication with the student as well as the amount and precision of feedback during training. The seminar closes with presenting new concepts for green reading courses.

If you want to become the very best at professional putting instruction, then sign up to become a certified SAM putting instructor Level2.

Who should participate? Instructors, Coaches and Club Fitters. PGA members are eligible to receive 3 continuing education credits for attending a certification Level2 session.

SAM Putting Instructor Certification Level 3 – Professional Putt Training with SAM PuttLab

The SAM Putting Instructor certification program is the most comprehensive scientific approach to putting ever developed. The 3 certification levels cover the complete range from the physics of putting, measurement and analysis of a putting stroke, PGA Tour data samples based on the 6 fundamental aspects of putting, as well as scientific basics of motor learning and motor control. Certified SAM Level3 Putting Instructors will receive a document and will be listed on the SAM web page.

The objectives of the SAM Level3 certification seminar are amongst others:

  • The Science of motor learning and motor control
  • Research studies on motor learning
  • Research studies on the role of feedback
  • Training concept advanced
  • Yips analysis and interventions

The certification Level3 seminar educates you on the science of motor learning and motor control. We will present recent models motor planning and human movement control and discuss their significance for teaching and learning movement. In this context, research studies on the role of critical factors involved in Golf training are presented. However, the information on brain function and motor control is not limited to putting or Golf, it is underlying all kinds of human movement learning. The seminar will close with discussing „task specific“ movement problems in sports such as Yips. Causes for the problems will be uncovered and a specific training approach will be presented.

Where:  Online Certifications.  Some live events, TBD.

Cost:  $320.00 for Level 1 and 2, and Level 3.  Presenter is Dr. Christian Marquardt.

Contact:  Use their website scienceandmotion.com/certification.